33 Art Іcons

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What Are Top Art Icons Designed in 2025?


Following these links you can get the most popular art icons on our website: Street Art, Latte Art, Instagramart and Wall Art


What sites can art icons be used for?


It is possible to download art icons for thematic blogs. For example, Art Gallery is suitable for an art critic's blog. They are also great for websites of design companies, museums, art schools, etc. The Culinary Arts icon is good even for a food delivery site or a cafe. When it comes to images, you can both design navigation buttons and make a website logo.


Are your vector art icons suitable for app design?


Yes, sure. Our art icons are versatile as they can be downloaded in PNG or SVG format. Therefore, you can use them for more than just app design. Due to them, you can also decorate highlights on Instagram or create your own stickers.


How to use your art icons?


To start using our free art icons, you need to download the image you like in one of the proposed formats. After the icon is downloaded to your device, you can edit it, add it to your website or application, etc.